‘A Practical Guide to Smart Contracts and the Law’ by Lizzie Williams


Paperback: 978-1-914608-44-5
Published: February 2023
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This book is a practical guide for any lawyer navigating contracts on the blockchain. It covers a wide range of contractual issues in the context of smart contracts, from formation, to breach, to termination. It includes contract drafting tips to reduce interpretation issues, insights on resolving disputes and enforcing remedies, as well as an overview of the key caselaw.


Lizzie Williams is a solicitor advocate at Harbottle & Lewis with extensive experience of litigation and arbitration from the pre-action stage to trial, including urgent injunctions, appeals, group litigation, mediation and settlement negotiations. Lizzie has a particular interest in disputes relating to innovative technologies and digital transformation, including disputes involving traditional IT contracts (e.g. software development, outsourcing, licensing), disputes involving blockchain technology (e.g. NFTs, crypto fraud) and contractual disputes for technology businesses.


Chapter One – Introduction
Chapter Two – What Is a Smart Contract?
Chapter Three – What Is a Smart Legal Contract?
Chapter Four – Formation
Chapter Five – Mistake
Chapter Six – Misrepresentation
Chapter Seven – Terms
Chapter Eight – Discharge & Remedies
Chapter Nine – Dispute Resolution
Chapter Ten – Overarching Considerations