‘The No Nonsense Solicitors’ Practice: A Guide To Running Your Firm’ by Bettina Brueggemann

Paperback £9.99: 978-1-911035-25-1

Published: July 2017

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A no-nonsense, practical guide on how and how not to run a law firm, examining why so many solicitors struggle in business, and how you can avoid the common mistakes and attitudes that lead to lack of growth or failure.


Bettina worked at the European Patent Office before qualifying as a solicitor in 1987. Specialising in litigation and employment she worked for a large multi office law firm becoming a partner in 1989. Her first role as partner was to set up a human resources department for the firm which she continued to head for over 25 years. In 2002 she was appointed managing partner with responsibility for all aspects of the business, a role she successfully carried out for 13 years.

Over the 30 years in private practice Bettina has helped her many clients develop the strategy for their business as well as advising on how best to deal with day to day issues. Drawing on her knowledge and first-hand experience of running a business including best financial management, staff communication and management, successful marketing campaigns and developing and implementing business development; her strength lies in her ability to offer clear and constructive help and support.


Chapter One – The No Nonsense Gut
Chapter Two – The No Nonsense Sheep
Chapter Three – No Nonsense Looking After Your Pennies
Chapter Four – No Nonsense Future
Chapter Five – No Nonsense You Are the Big Cheese
Chapter Six – The No Nonsense Chicken Among the Foxes
Chapter Seven – No Nonsense It’s Your Herd
Chapter Eight – No Nonsense And Finally…