‘A Practical Guide to the SRA Principles, Individual and Law Firm Codes of Conduct 2019 – What Every Law Firm Needs to Know’ by Paul Bennett


Paperback: 978-1-911035-58-9
Published: February 2019
Price: £19.99
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The regulation of solicitors is changing (again) in 2019. The Solicitors’ Code of Conduct 2007 was replaced with the SRA Principles 2011. In 2019 we must change again as the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) require compliance with a totally new regime.

This book is about helping law firms adapt to the latest regulatory landscape. It provides concise guides on each of the core SRA Principles 2019, the Code for Solicitors 2019 (the Individual Code), the Code for Law Firms (the Firm Code) which are due to come into force during the first half of 2019.

The SRA standards and regulations alone will not explain the SRA’s expectations of you and your law firm – they are too brief. The commentary on these is intended to help you apply the generic wording applying for all firms in England and Wales in practice.


Paul Bennett is a Solicitor, Mediator and Arbitrator who advises on SRA regulatory, Anti-Money Laundering, employment and partnership law in the specialist Professional Practice Team at Aaron & Partners LLP until the end of February 2019 and then is launching Bennett Briegal LLP with a colleague to support law firms nationally within a niche law firm setting.

Paul’s work is national and his experience includes advising hundreds of law firms from High Street, niche firms and City and US law firms on legal issues and regulatory investigatory and enforcement matters. An experienced advocate across a range of Tribunals and Courts he has successfully acted before the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal for law firms and individuals.

The majority of Paul’s contested cases involve a Queens Counsel on behalf of the other party and Paul‘s practice is in many ways similar to that of Counsel in terms of the advisory and advocacy work he undertakes. Written advice is regularly given in preference to Counsel and Queens Counsel given his understanding of running a law firm in practice.

A Law Society of England and Wales Council Member since 2017 he Chaired the Small Firms Division Committee in 2015 having previously been a Managing Director who sold the successful niche law firm he had started.

From January 2019 he is the Chair of the Shropshire Business Board and a Member of the Marches Local Economic Partnership (LEP) having previously served as the representative of professional service businesses and the Vice Chair.

Paul writes for and is quoted in the legal press regularly. His book A Practical Guide to Compliance for Personal Injury Firms working with Claims Management Companies was published In September 2017 by Law Brief Publishing who also publish this guide.

Paul describes himself as a failed game show host who used to DJ in pubs and clubs. In his spare time he is obsessed with his family, music, football and cycling challenges.

@Law4Professions (Twitter)
07785 623 644


Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Legal Ethics: Back to the Future?
Chapter 3 – The Seven SRA Principles 2019
Chapter 4 – SRA Code of Conduct for Solicitors, RELs and RFLs (The Individual Code)
Chapter 5 – SRA Code of Conduct for Firms (The Firm Code)
Chapter 6 – How to Adapt to the SRA Principles and Codes of Conduct 2019