‘A Practical Guide to the Care Case Fee Scheme for Family Lawyers’ by Philip Dewin


Paperback: 978-1-916698-28-4
Published: April 2024
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Essential reading for practitioners dealing with cases under the Care Case Fee Scheme, this book is written with the busy practitioner and other legal professionals firmly in mind. The book is a clear and comprehensive guide which explains how the scheme works in practice, includes practical advice in relation to managing live cases and claiming costs at the conclusion of the matter.

Intended to expand upon the limited amount of guidance in relation to the scheme and to assist busy practitioners by avoiding frustrating and costly delays with the Legal Aid Agency’s online billing system, the book seeks to ensure that the practitioner is properly rewarded for dealing with the most exceptional and difficult cases, identifies common pitfalls and provides guidance to avoid expensive mistakes.

With information and advice based on dealing with countless cases under the scheme including feedback gained over many years from fee earners, leading family chambers, costs draftsmen and the Legal Aid Agency, the book provides a single source of information and the text is supplemented with helpful appendices.

Written by an expert in the field, this is an invaluable tool for any individual undertaking work under the scheme and for those involved in billing the cases.


Philip Dewin is a highly experienced costs draftsman and director of a specialist costs drafting firm. He previously worked as a litigation fee earner within a busy firm of solicitors in London. His current caseload involves dealing with all aspects of legal costs but has particular interest in high cost care cases. He regularly deals with cases conducted under the Legal Aid Agency’s Care Case Fee Scheme and presents seminars on the subject.



Part One – Single Counsel CCFS Cases

Will CCFS apply to the case?
The registration process
Exceptional cases
Payment rates
Changes to the number of agreed events
Solicitors as Advocates
Pre-contract costs
Previous solicitors
Are the fees for all Advocates involved in the case converted?
Disbursements and Expert Fees
Managing live cases
Final CCFS form
Final Assessment Streamlining Tool (FAST)
Billing the case
Interim payments

Part Two – Two Counsel CCFS Cases

Will CCFS apply to the case?
The registration process
Submitting the CCFS form and managing live cases
Payment rates
What are the events which attract payments?
Changes in the number of agreed events
What about vacated hearings?
Attendance of the conducting solicitor at a hearing
Solicitor advocates
Instruction of a leading junior in place of King’s Counsel
Instruction of two junior Counsel
Fees for Counsel & cases converted to the fee scheme
What about appeals?
Disbursements and Expert Fees
Final Assessment Streamlining Tool (FAST)
Billing requirements