‘Covid-19 and Health and Safety Law – The Essential Guide’ by Edward Hetherington


Paperback: 978-1-913715-90-8
Published: April 2021
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The law relating to Health and Safety has implications for every aspect of how workplaces are managed and how jobs are done. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been considerable and immediate. Companies, contractors and sole traders need clarity on how to amend their working practices to reflect the new risks associated with the virus and its transmission.

This book is designed to give practical advice to those who manage H&S risks and their legal advisors. It considers each stage of the relevant process, from investigation to enforcement, with an eye on what expectations the Health and Safety Executive will have when they engage with businesses and what steps can be taken to demonstrate that duty-holders are assessing and managing new and existing risks to a high standard.


Edward Hetherington is a practising barrister and a member of Albion Chambers in Bristol. He is instructed by the prosecution and defence in complex and serious cases across England and Wales. He is a Grade 4 CPS Panel Advocate and a member of the Regulatory Advocates in Health & Safety and Environmental Law Panel. Before coming to the Bar, Edd was a university law lecturer. He remains involved in designing and delivering bespoke lectures to groups of legal professionals and organisations. He is regularly involved in advocacy training as well as providing accredited CPD and training to professionals from across the country.

Edward obtained a law degree from the University of Durham, before going on to gain a Master’s Degree. He was Called to the Bar (Middle Temple) in 2006, having been awarded the JJ Powell scholarship.


Chapter One – Covid-19 and Risk Assessments
Chapter Two – PPE and Coronavirus
Chapter Three – Social Distancing and the Law
Chapter Four – Covid and Vehicle Usage
Chapter Five – Work Premises – Particular Coronavirus Considerations
Chapter Six – Protecting Home Workers
Chapter Seven – Workers With Pre-Existing Vulnerabilities
Chapter Eight – Other Offences and Health and Safety
Chapter Nine – Covid-19 and the RIDDOR Reporting Regime
Chapter Ten – Inspection and Enforcement